The best of Little Tokyo is filling up the Banco Popular Center (4th Street & Spring Street) for this February's Downtown LA Art Walk. Come by Thursday night, FEB 11th, to get a taste of the art, clothing, music and culture that make up the Little Tokyo district:
Archrival (http://www.thearchrival.com/)
Vespa of LA (http://www.vespaofla.com)
Pop Killer (http://www.popkiller.us)
No. A (http://www.number-a.com)
RIF LA (http://www.rif.la/)
Hold Up Art (http://www.holdupart.com)
and Rized Mental Couture (http://www.rized.tumblr.com), friends from outside L.T. who are doing great things for Haiti and bring hand crafted designs that are good for the soul.
Also mural installations by legendary LA Graffiti Artists:
Eye One & Cache
Music will be spun by Eron Surdam (Robot Love) and SP of DANCEISM, and did we mention Free Beer! This magical evening is curated by Hold Up Art and sponsored by all the wonderful stores involved in the Invasion. Spread the word and can't wait to see you all next Thursday.