We just got in our delivery for Holiday from 10DEEP. Some very nice detailed cut and sew pieces along with some great tees. Be sure to drop in and get yours before they are gone.
Be sure to check out The Polaroid Show at Archrival the 3rd of January. The show will feature Polaroids from Midzt, Kofie an Kalf just to name a few...
Growing Pains Studios an Shalom Cultural Peace Project let us get involved with their Big Holiday Sale this Saturday. Art work and clothing all in one studio for one day all up for grabs. Be sure to stop in and get some ARCHRIVAL tees for mad cheap...
Saturday December 20th 12 noon to 7pm 620 South Main St. #232 Los Angeles CA 90014
Last night a few of us got together( ARCHRIVAL,THE HUNDREDS,MIDDLE CLASS & THE DOWNTOWN HOOLIGANS) to check out the new purveyor of exotic grilled sausage here in Downtown Los Angeles. Duck and Bacon, Alligator and Hickory Smoked Pork Andouille just to name a few. When your in the area be sure to roll through and get some coupons before we use them all.